Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This and That

I have finally got my hands on what I have been trying to procure for 3 years...


However, interestingly, it seems so different now. Maybe it was the time, the place, what I was smoking...
Still, it has some lovely memories associated with it. So that's worth it.

AND, I got 2 of the Qatsi trilogy with it. And Chronos. And the Nagoyqatsi audio CD... so yay.
Thanks, Ph. :-)

There is something really, really yuck about seeing cockroach maggots squirm around. And they raise a godawful stink. Made me physically sick for a whole day. Ugh.

I wrote a nice song. Now, to put it to music.
Why are the best songs about emotional hurt and pain? There must be something to that.
Suddenly, I remember Rod Stewart's "When we were the new boys". And listening to it for the first time, off a tape a friend bought.
Ahh, tapes.

So, "Friendship Day", huh.

I have a rant to do about e-books.
But maybe some other time.

It's quite disappointing when you learn you really can't know everything.

One day, science will develop a way for us to erase parts of our memory.
Seriously, there's just so much crap I just don't want to know anymore!
Maybe we can have removable hard disks, with whatever memories we think we might need, just not right now. Of course, this would mean I would have something like the Encyclopedia Britannica : "Crap, I - XXXVI".
We can have slots in our heads, cables, viruses... the whole shebang. We can make so many people's nightmares come true! Wouldn't that be wonderful?


On that happy note...



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