Sunday, January 04, 2004

Meeeeemorieees..all alone in the moonlight...

Had a school reunion yesterday. Class of '96. Organised chiefly by Chaitanya and Maitreyi, with good support from Nivi. Was really nice. Was a lil late cos I had to goto shooting at Apollo and then rush to Amrutha Castle for this thingie. I definitely did NOT expect such a rousing welcome!
Hushed whispers among the girls, smiles, handshakes and hugs from the guys...was real nice.
What is the exact sentiment associated with nostalgia? Is it pain? Happiness? Does it depend on the type of memories? Or is it a whole bloody emotion on its own?
Met a whole lot of people and for the first time, understood the fuss around looking good at reunions. Need to have something to say, need to know u turned out better than some and more importantly, better than most expected you to. Need to know you have grown above and beyond some things and some people.
Maitreyi did come up to me first and shake my hand.
Yay!! YAY!!! I've known for a while, and I feel vindicated. And I'm so happy for her and Shyam - really great guy. I hope nobody is going to make a big deal abt this at some future time. And it was such a huge relief to feel no tension.

I've been sitting here in office all morning and recollecting our first years together. To think, many of us met for the first time as 3 and 4 year olds and we're still together...lovely.
When time came to stand up and introduce ourselves, Maitreyi came up with a couple of excellent points on who goes first - "Ajay is always first...even in the attendance roll call!"
Oh, well.
Someday, I will stand up like that again, and talk of all the lovely memories I have from LKG to class 5. After that, it gets a little...well, maybe someone else can take over.
I guess everyone feels a little left out at some point in their lives.
That's the thing with memories I guess - some make you stronger, some weaker. It's the way you deal with the latter ones that tells you about the kind of stuff you're made of.

And that's the biggest vindication of all.

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile like the old days
I was beautiful, then I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again


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