Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Nothing like a near-death experience to show you the true colours of your life.
Especially if it comes just after a birthday...

Some things are just not meant to be, eh? Life-validating journeys, stories for a lifetime, India winning the cricket World Cup...
The same thing happened the last time trips were planned with similar intentions and motives. That turned out so bad...tch tch. But, that was in a different country, different time, different life.
But, same shit.

The signs...oh, the signs.

K dropped out. A fell sick. I fell sick. Vi had an accident, dropped out (for the first leg). AV FLIPPED out, had an 'epiphany'. Several people had 'a bad feeling about this', some mentioned it before and some after. There were bad dreams and just about everything but a booming voice from the sky saying "STOP!!"

But, none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Michelle had her first major accident. In 18 months. My first too. In 6 years of riding. And it just could not have happened at a worse time.
Observers observed that I was lucky to be alive. Got away with what seem to be relatively minor neck and back injuries. No broken bones, no scrapes/cuts. Amazing.

Something else really amazing is the way the mind works in the 3 seconds before you actually hit. When you know. I wonder if there's a way science can study that in detail. You can study all the biomechanics you want, do all the impact studies, damage studies, vector analyses...but how do we actually think in such situations? For example, the decision I made to hit the auto head-on, instead of trying to swerve sharply around it probably saved my life. Because I was later told there was a vehicle behind me on the left - swerving would have brought me into its path and I could have come under the wheels.

Of course, it was subconscious, based on the information stored earlier on, when I'd passed the vehicle on the left. And the 3 seconds were a curious mix of quick decision making, a sense of inevitability, and everything slowing down, as it's always described.

Anyway, the never-ride-without-it helmet saved, to the undoubted regret of so many 'friends', my head. And the oversized leather jacket, worn in summer (though it was ok because it was 4.30 am and bearable. Yes, some things beg to be done in the name of rider cliches) saved the arms and back. AV was hell bent on shorts but I insisted on jeans for safety reasons - these saved the legs. Sometimes, being uncool is very cool.

However, am not quite sure how I must interpret all this. Because, make no mistake, it must be interpreted. And analysed. And taken apart and a meaning and purpose found.

Because it's all been pretty much downhill from when I almost could have died.



Blogger MinCat said...

sorry to do it again, but youre alive. and believe me i saw about 6 different ways you cld have not been. so fear not sweetie, good things will happen.

8:02 PM, April 19, 2006  
Blogger warya said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:27 AM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heheheheeee. Join the club.

7:09 AM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said... me and i'll cheer you up for sure ..muuah and all that

9:29 AM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when this did happen? I spoke to you yesterday no re


you ok??

1:01 PM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude dude... dude

am jus glad that u made it ....

8:11 PM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@make it new : no one cldve seen it better than the two of, what optimism on the 'good things will happen' bit... :-)

@warya : I'm ok da. No, really.

@AC: what club is that, exactly?

@ah-men : I'm sure you would :-) But Im not goin anywhere for a bit, so any meetings will have to be done in my village only...

@blur : I'm ok. This happened 2 weeks back. I was typing out this post when we last connected :-)

@adi : thanks man. though my feelings are somewhat undecided as of now... :-)

6:14 AM, April 21, 2006  
Blogger tangled said...

dude. i love your blog.
permission to link you?

12:35 PM, April 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apologies. I guess it sounded a bit too rude. I can't help laughing at things that errr... other ppl do not laugh at.

Anyways, this is the most noble "Club" of accident-survivors. The first time's always a transcending experience of sorts. When you get used to crashing, the rush, the time-goes-extremely-slow and your-whole-life-flashes-in-front-of-your-eyes and all that... But no matter what is said and done, accidents will happen. No point in analyzing so much. No point at all...

1:48 PM, April 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and there I was thiking WHOA he really listens to me, posting all most immediately after i tell him

little hawa and all u removed

7:51 PM, April 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@tharunya : thank you, I'm honoured. do you have a page I could visit too?

@AC : my application to the I-get-into-stupid-accidents-because-I-drive-recklessly club was rejected. "Not reckless enough", apparently. So I may have to live with not actually getting 'used to crashing', eh?

@blur : :-)

3:35 AM, April 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh! Take care. Hugs.

4:06 AM, April 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Dons Armour, Bracers et al and raises bike key like a pointed spear***

Oh KAY! My last accident was because of a call center vehicle aka Tata Qualis. NOT my fault. I REPEAT, NOT my fault... Karthik will give a testimonial. He got thrown off. LOL... ***Hits the keys N,O,T extremely hard*** And I'm not reckless.

Looks like somebody's been passing extremely WRAAANG information to you. ***grins***

5:23 AM, April 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ph : thanks. :-)

@AC : heh heh. alright. if you say so. maybe I am prejudiced because I am yet to meet/see a SINGLE responsible Pulsar rider. And you should see the accident statistics since the launch of the bike.
And cool new ads causing a (understandable)flurry of upgrades to 180 cc aren't fillin me with a whole lot of confidence dude.
The bike's damn cool, though :-)

10:34 AM, April 22, 2006  
Blogger Omni said...

I'm so glad you're ok!! xo

11:22 PM, April 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my 180 before the nu ad was launched. And I can't go fast coz of the pathetic benguluru roadsu. Well, as far as responsible pulsar riders are concerned, I haven't seen any either. Hehehe... Pickup's extremely good.

Where do you get you statistics from? Eh?

12:24 AM, April 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@omni : thanks. :-)

@AC : 'you' was a generic term (maybe 'one' would have been a better word to use) But I'd bet a whole lot on the statistics being very suggestive where pulsars are concerned...

2:55 AM, April 23, 2006  
Blogger tangled said...

usually link = page you can visit.
and did! :P
how did i find your page? lord alone knows. i think it began from...
scout? helmet? i can tell you it was a very tortuous path...

5:18 AM, April 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@tharunya : your profile was not public, so your link didn't really go anywhere. anyway, :-)

5:58 AM, April 23, 2006  
Blogger tangled said...

oh, yeah. i'd forgotten that :)
that was before.

how did you find the page then? :O

also... how can i say something like "spouted by" on my blog? what should i change?

p.s. look at html lessons

8:41 AM, April 23, 2006  
Blogger Manu said...

Hey was off the net for a bit. just saw the post. How are ya holdin up? so sorry to hear abt Michelle. hope she's alright. take care man.

12:01 PM, April 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@tharunya : am no html expert myself. Several other visitors here are, though. HTML tips, anyone?

@manu : am ok. she's ok too. :-) thanks for the concern, man.

9:07 AM, April 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:49 AM, April 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Bhav : thanks, am ok now. :-)

10:13 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger jennivora said...

hello non-sensei
i was reading through some old blog posts and I found a comment from you... you said you liked my blog. you even cited me once, when I was writing that confusing "New Sentence" novel. It was something about butter and jam. Can't really remember. but I like your blog. A shame my blog is now mostly in Spanish. Anyways. Keep in touch.

9:53 PM, May 06, 2006  
Blogger jennivora said...

yeh, here it is... hope you remember me too :P

9:56 PM, May 06, 2006  
Blogger arvindiyer said...

Hey dude, here after a while, been busy with things..Sorry to hear bout the accident, really glad to know that ur ok an ur friends are ok too!!! Peace

3:45 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@jennivora : what a coincidence - I remembered your blog recently and visited it too. Yours was one of the first blogs I used to read when I started blogging. :-)
Maybe I should learn Spanish, then.

@AI : :-)Thanks man.

6:03 AM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh! glad u got out alive..
its just good karma when things turn out absurdly freakishly well, despite the overall perilous nature of it all. ur lucky!

11:16 AM, May 21, 2006  

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