Friday, December 29, 2006

I'm gonna take you to a place far from here...

No one will see us
Watch the pain as it disappears

Gotta read this, the link to which I found on Rahul's page.

Well written, it offers a perspective which I frankly never considered. Interesting.

No time for anger
No time for despair
Won't you come with me
There's room for us there

I read the posts on the Hampi road trip, and I'm thinking, that does it.
That bloody does it.
Enough of pacifying Michelle and taming the wanderlust. Surely I can find a way to balance existing and LIVING.

One weekend to Warangal, for sure. It's just not right that I haven't yet seen the amazing temples and forts that I've heard so much about. And it's worse if you consider that the place is just 150 km away. In January.

God willing, a long trip to Kerala, God's own country, and a long-pending trip to a small village outside Thrissur. Visit an ancestral home. Visit the school which owes its existence and continuance to two generations of my family, and add another generation to the story. Watch the Thrissur Puram, and refresh rapidly dimming memories of childhood. Of a time when the Guruvayur temple used to bring the Puram to our doorstep. Of watching in awe as huge elephants walking through the streets of Hyderabad, and right in front of our house. Of the million lamps carried by the pujaris and the temple folk making up the procession. Of the trance-inducing rhythm of the bells and the huge clanging cymbals. Of the scary elephants gently taking offerings from the hands of a fascinated 9-year old.

This innocent beauty
My words can't describe
This rebirth to purity
Brings a tear right to your eyes

The Thrissur Puram happens every year around April-May, and is said to be a sight to behold. Time (and Mom) permitting, I will be there with Michelle (and hopefully some other interesting company... ;-) )

No time for anger
No time for despair
Please let me take you
'Cause I'm already there


My boss is a very interesting person and is someone I have learnt quite a bit from within a relatively short period of time. He is a deeply religious person and yesterday, I found myself discussing with him, of all things, mythology - one of my mostest favouritest subjects.

I strongly believe that there's nothing like mythology to stimulate a young child's mind. Nothing. A child that has grown up without tapping into this world will most certainly be the worse off for it.

It took all of 20 seconds for the memories and the archives of mythological trivia to come flooding back. My education was mostly at the feet of grandmothers from different cultures, and through the wonderful, wonderful , comic books that were in publication at the time. The Ramayana, The Mahabharata (knowledge of these also credited to the epic TV series'), the parallel legends and stories surrounding many of the characters of these epics. The gandharvas and the yakshas of Chandamama, the Gods and Goddesses, Pulakesins and the Cholas of Amar Chitra Katha, King Vikramaditya and the spirit Betaal. The list is endless.

(Aside : Amar Chitra Katha and Chandamama are worth their weight in gold. The story of how the publishers of Chandamama have kept the magazine alive over the past twenty years is lump-in-throat stuff, especially for those with personal memories and value attached to the mag. I don't remember the details (and my memory might be incorrect) but I think on the verge of shutting down, they suddenly received investment from 1st generation NRIs and others, who said they could not bear the thought of an institution like Chandamama shutting shop. Try and find the story on the net.
Chandamama is now getting revamped but the original publishing family is dead clear on one thing - the stories will continue to be based on Indian mythology and folklore. Thank FRIG for that - we've never needed this more than now.)

My mom handed me a Piccolo book which said "The Adventures of Ulysses". Between the ages of 8 and 10, I must've read that book a hundred and fifty times. Naturally, Greek, Roman and Norse mythology and folklore followed. Watching "Troy" was an indescribable experience; it was almost like reconnecting with old friends - remembering names, their histories, names of wives and kids, what they used to look like in my head and what they looked like on screen. Wonderful.

My boss was telling us about different temples, and the stories and legends behind the deities there. At that moment, I was suddenly reminded of the immense wealth of culture we have in India. The sheer weight of knowledge, wisdom, and philosophy we have is staggering. The ethics, morals, and powerful faith that young children pick up from our legends are things that define them for the rest of their lives. What we have to give to every future generation is invaluable.

And all we do is try so hard to paint our hearts black and wash our skin white.

I was immediately saddened by the realisation that this knowledge, culture, and wisdom is all set to disappear in the next 1-2 generations. The world's greatest and oldest surviving civilisation is giving up its 2000-year headstart to a 400-year old upstart with a delusioned and extremely shortsighted warcry of 'you're either with us or against us'. The saddening thing is we do this willingly.

But what about the children? What about our children?

Rhyme without reason
Is why children cry
They see through the system
That's breeding them just so they die

So please let me take you
And I'll show you the truth
Inside my reality
We shared in my youth


Now that I've taken you
To a place far from here
I really must go back
Close your eyes and we'll disappear

Another year has ended. We grow older and life's concerns engulf us.
Life gets faster and faster, overtakes us, while growth gets slower and slower and we send it to an early grave. Again and again, billions of people all over the world.
No time for anger, no time for despair.
The existential angst is still there, but one still hopes for peace.
One still hopes for a return to serenity.

I'm so alone
My head's my home
And I feel
So alone
You know
At last
I return to serenity

A Happy New Year to us all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm very sharp slap is what I think that piece about the hackers is... Loved it... Is it some kind of a mag?? I loved the style of if... the design and everything else...
Erm... Ya the pain of not being able to go for that trip hasnt healed yet... But could you like plan a visit when I can possibly tag along??? The school bit is really too wonderful. I would love to see it.
Mythology with boss??? What do you work as??? But yeahh all of those were my companions too, Still dig into them sometimes. I read the epics in full though... Quite exciting...
Any suggestions where the best place would be to be in on new years eve in London huh???
Hope u have good new year too...

9:43 AM, December 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shher nostalgia inducing! That's what.

Firstly, the article. Just brilliant. Ah, the tutorials of tKC, Buckaroo Banzai et al. But my days are clearly behind me.

Secondly, count me in for Kerala. Would love to go around the place with someone who knows the language.


Preserved Amar Chitra Katha's. Love reading them once in a while. I clearly remember listening to mythological tales with a gaping mouth when my granddad would tell me a story every night, at bedtime.

I miss that aspect of my childhood.

Any possibility of incorporating ACK's and mythology in the Happiness Theory? Or have you abandoned work on the theory?

Heh. And happy new year to you too.

PS: In fact, I was thinking of writing my Hampi post along the lines of 'Return To Serenity'. But it's good I didn't.

11:49 AM, December 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hacking into the mind of a hacker.. decoded well... loved it!
well mythology will never run out of existance among children... no amount of electronic gadgets will replace a story from grandparents or a bedtime story from parents. there is something magical abt myths and the curious minds that children have will never let that die...!
screwed up grown up!!
DUMFAWQ- word verification ... jus needed to write that one down ... google is gettn nasty creative arent they?

12:53 PM, December 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@pricky : the heading makes it look like a mag, doesnt it? don't know if it still exists, considering that piece was written in 1986. might be interesting to find the rest of this guy's writings.:-)
It's just a small school in a village - it's just that there is a personal connection for me.
One great place to be in London for NY eve is Trafalgar Square..I was there one year and it was an experience... :-) Have fun!

@AC : if Kerala happens, it's likely to be a week long, at least. let's see how things work out.
I think it's children who are closest to Happiness Theory, just that they don't know they are implementing it! Somehow, we forget the important things as we grow up.
Why is it good that you didn't use Return to Serenity?

@tanu : that's what I meant by losing this in the next 1-2 generations. After the grandparents, parents today either don't remember the stories, don't think they're important enough, or don't have the time to open this world to their children. and children, sadly, are left to their own devices (pun intended). :-)
make no mistake - unless our generation consciously makes an effort to further the READING of mythology, the capacity of our children to dream and imagine is going to be seriously affected.
in my humble opinion, at least. :-)
funny word verification, that. heh.

9:44 PM, December 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Serenity's a choice, NS.
I don't know why, but I always rant about choices.

But NS, it is true.
Pushing yourself out of the equation, taking a deep breath, and starting out again -


Have a blessed New Year, and make that trip happen.

Wanderlust, forever.
Dreamer, forever.
And honestly, nothing wrong with either =).

12:20 PM, December 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO am I in or what???
I wanna come small or miniscule... I like the way you have mentioned it and I am damn excitied about the whole idea of it all... YEah I would love to read more of that guy... VEry very Blatant don u think??
Trafalgar square here I come...

4:54 PM, December 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanity forces me to think of my Hampi post first. :)

I agree wholeheartedly about the Chandamama. I still have the hundred and fifty or so I'd gotten in the three years I'd subscribed, all bound up in groups of ten...

The very art of story telling is lost, too, you know. My mother knows all these stories, but she cannot tell them the way my grandmother can. Campfire excursions over the last two days have led me to believe I might do better with my own children.

Ah, the vanity is having a nice time. She will slink away soon, though. She always does.

Are relative strangers allowed to tag along in the May month? Do say yes :)
And a Happy New Year to you.

10:42 AM, December 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@the darkling thrush : true, true. nice to see you here again. :-) A Blessed New year to you, too.

@pricky : you're welcome to join the ride. did you go to Trafalgar Square, finally?

@tangled : hmm, so looks like we won't be bored during the campfires on the kerala trip, eh? relative strangers who tell good stories are always welcome.
a Happy New Year to you too.. :-)

5:15 AM, January 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEah well we made it to london bridge right on cue... and then roamed around the whole place. And thanks would definitely tag along... Cheers

2:33 PM, January 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

feels nice to be back.

just that writing's so much harder now. near taxing.

oh well.

how you been?

btw, did seedah tell you?

1:02 AM, January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@the darkling thrush : I been fine. you?
no, seedah hasn't told me. what was seedah supposed to tell me?

10:50 AM, January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year! may good luck shine on you this year...

6:53 PM, January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responsibilities and self-awareness kill happiness, which is why children are so close to realizing perfect happiness. Hmmm, we need discussions on Happiness Theory. With whisky, of course. And I'll remember it might not be free whisky at that. :|

Return To Serenity would've KILLED my post.

10:34 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year dude.

btw, am back in blogdom, on blogspot now ;-)

6:52 AM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy new year Non-sensei. wish you luck with all that you seek to achieve in the future.

Culture and tradition keep modifying to make way for newer interpretations. don't feel saddened by it...

2:56 AM, January 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you be sending to me the email to, saying hullo, so i have your email.

i will be explainings.

comment boggses not nice places.


10:54 AM, January 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( I have lost all my old comments!!!!
Including a couple of yours, incidentally.
Very tragic, it is being.

10:57 AM, January 06, 2007  
Blogger Non-Sensei said...

oh shitballs...I moved to the 'sign in with google account' thing (I don't know WHY!), and now almost all commenters appear as 'anonymous'!
anyone know what to do?
i can only see the last 2 comments (from darkling thrush and tangled) with the names...

12:04 PM, January 06, 2007  
Blogger Non-Sensei said...

@the darkling thrush : i gotta say, the email id sounds familiar but Im still a lil lost...which id did I email you from - gmail?yahoo?rediff?

@tangled : awww. how did that happen?

12:07 PM, January 06, 2007  
Blogger tangled said...

You are awake at the oddest hours.
I have no idear. It's the old blog; the one that ran away. Tragic it is.

12:26 PM, January 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@tangled : i am, amnt i? :-D
which blog is have a quite a few, don't you?
but yes, tragic, losing a blog.

12:38 PM, January 06, 2007  
Blogger H said...

welcome to Beta bastard blogger. ha ha.

the one before darkling thrush was me. :-)

6:23 AM, January 08, 2007  

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