Monday, March 21, 2005

Chill, Winstaan...

I once lived for a month or so with a junkie.

I could write, ummmm...maybe 3-4 posts about the whole experience, but maybe later. I was just reminded the other day of some seriously doped out conversations. In the time I spent there, I joined the other two guys only once, and that was one awesome Saturday. But it was listening to the stoned conversations which were really fun.

Junkie 1: Hey...

Junkie 2: ...............................

J 1: I'm stoned, man.

J 2: Yeah? Faaaackin' too!

(both giggle)
(giggle giggle)
(which turns into laughter)
(laugh for 5 minutes)

J 1: (suddenly stops) Hey...

(everybody looking at him)

J 1: I forgot what I was gonna say...


Now, junkies are usually too lazy to do anything. Anything at all. So, any action that involved physical activity is worth mentioning to each other.

J 2: hey, I created an email id today.

J 1: yeah?

(silence for about 30 seconds)

J 2: hey, what were we talking about man...?

J 1: uhhh...I don't...hey, is there someone at the door?

This is just the paranoia setting in. There's nobody at the door. I thought I'd say something here, just to get back to the conversation.

Me: yeah, you were saying you created an email id.

J 2: huh? Oh...oh yeah...the email id.

J 1: so, what's it called?

J 2: the_abyss.

J 1: The Abyss? Whoa...that's deeeeeeep, man...

This is followed by uncontrollable laughter, all three of us rolling - me, because the abyss being deep was just too funny, and those two just because it was so much fun to keep laughing.

J 2: (stops suddenly) I'm hungry. Hey, where's the chips from yesterday...

(rummages around, finds the remaining weed)

J 2: Heyyy!

J 1: Heyyyyyyy!!! Alright!

Me: (laughing again, at the prospect of another conversation coming up)

Boom Shankar!


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