Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Strange daze.

Today is going to be wunnadem days...I can feel it.

I woke up, same as every day. Almost. The first thought that entered my head on opening my eyes to the wonderful morning was Laila Rouass. I went hmmmm, that's an interesting thought to wake up to. Then, I smiled. I was, of course, thinking of the last 3 letters of her last name, and thinking how appropriate. Because I was, of course, seeing it. I put my elbow on the pillow, propped my head on my palm, and spent 5 minutes smiling. Those were 5 wonderful minutes.

Now, this is not so freaky in itself. What did me in was the newspaper. Who do you think was on the first page of the entertainment section? What do you think she was wearing? How do you think she was looking? What do you think she was talking about? (the answer to the last one is 'mostly sex'). I make like Joey in the episode where he walks into the hospital room where Rachel has just had a baby, and she is breastfeeding, and Joey looks upwards and says "Are you kidding me??!".

Seriously, what are the chances?? I wake up thinking of such a random name, she hasn't been on the scene recently or anything, I havent seen pictures of her, or her movies. Nothing. And for the newspaper to have an interview/article with her on the SAME day...I can't help but smile. Not least of all because this isn't the first time this has happened to me.

Then, I come in to office and open a website. While the page loads, I get into a discussion with my neighbour, and I tell him how he should go see the Sound and Light Show at Golconda. It has Amitabh Bachchan's voice. He says really? Amitabh? I say yeah...the whole thing's a very nice experience. I turn back to my computer, the website has opened, and the first news item I see has Amitabh's name on it.

Right about now is when I would have gone 'Holy Crapola...I'm a freak! Cooool...' But not anymore. Na uh. It's all a bit 'been there, seen that' now. I take it all with the panache of a well-rubbed crystal ball. I just think of ol' Jimbo and sing in my head...

Strange days....
Strange days have found us,
Strange days have tracked us down...



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