Friday, October 26, 2007

Main sochroon tha...

I'm sure several wiser heads have asked and answered this question earlier,
but main sochroon tha...

Is it possible to shut down the internet?

We are now seeing the first generation of kids/teenagers who can't remember life before the internet, cell phones, mp3s, mp3 players, computer games and reality TV. That's a separate rant, of course.

But thinking about it, if the internet were to be shut down, how would it happen?

A virus? It would have to be a real badmother, but recovery is likely to be quick. Motive - Malice, maybe?
The US? They could do it in the US and all the other little little countries they trample upon, but Asia is likely to give them the finger on this one. Motive - Security threat? Weapon of Mass (information) Dissemination?
Vigilante groups? Taking down tall servers in a single bound? Possibly headed by the kinds of morons who insist on annual re-enactments of wars fought in the Dark Ages. What's the bloody purpose, you idiots? But maybe it's understandable - they just like the idea of living in simpler times, really. Serious threat to the internet, this lot.

Nuclear holocaust?
Ah yes.

Because we humans are just that smart.




Blogger H said...

par aap itna kyoon 'sochroon' [jayseeeus! where'd you get this word from?] thhe?

bahut lambi soch hai, though.

And what's with this sudden obsession around me with nuclear holocausts... really. Is everything else SO SPIFFY that the only cause of concern remains the blasted bleeding bum-effing nuke?

4:29 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@H : come to Hyd. you will be educationed in language as it is meant to be spoken. :)
and who said i was concerned / obsessed with nuking? just a thought, thassall.

7:01 AM, October 26, 2007  

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