Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Inhe chahiye Cinkara!

Damn, what a day yesterday.

Woke at 6 am (went into immediate systemic shock. Took 20 minutes to fully understand the implications of what I'd done).
On impulse, decided to drive 50 km (FIFTY!!What the hell was I thinking??) to pick up an electric guitar I wanted. At 6.20 am. But then, this is me. I'm friggin' crazy. I do things like this.
Back at 7.30, still in my pjs. Because I couldn't be asked to change to drive 50 km. Have to goto the studio at 8. I knew this beforehand. YET I chose to do what I did. Because I'm crazy.

I seem to remember having a shower, I can't be too sure. A shave was out of the question. Ran to the rendezvous at 8. The guy was late. Very late. Warning sirens going off in head...seeing red...explosion imminent...here it comes...here it comes..! Then a very apologetic-faced chap turns up. After formalities and excuses, run to studio. Told we have to dub a Thai movie into English. S and I looked at each other and I promised her I'd get her back for this.

Run to office at 9. Well, 9.15. Ok, it was 9.25. Sue me.

Work all day. Well, most of the day. Fine! Acting like I am isn't easy either you know! Sue me.

6 pm. Run to birthday 1. Stop for card on the way. Goto PSS 's house. Apologised for not being able to stay longer. Gulped cake, ice cream and khubani ka meetha. Ok, she force fed me. Whatever. She seemed happy I actually made it over in the first place. Met her at a party just 2 nights ago. She insisted. I couldn't refuse.

Onto birthday 2. My cuz told me about this 4 days ago. He practically booked me - "Tuesday night, your ass is mine!". I preferred not to go into its possible implications. Rush home. Meet the boys on the way. Parsa was there. HAD to discuss our film. Torn. Like Ross at the beach house, between promises and possibilities. Ran home, smiled at people, ran out. Ran (ok, rode) 10 km to Tarnaka. There by 7.22 p.m. Went another 20 km for dinner with Phani anna's wife's brother's friends.
Welcome to Indian relationships. Didn't know a soul. Didn't know why I was there.
Dinner finished at 9.30. I'm 25 km from my bike, and then a further 13 km from home. Reach home by 10.30 p.m. Pooped like a dog, LIKE A DOG!

Lights on. Uh oh. Guess what. Dad's having a party. No sleeping yet. Crapola. Faaaackin' 'ell!!!! Get to hit the sack at 1.15 a.m. A fuckin' M.!!

I can't work under these inhuman conditions. I need my 10 hours of sleep. Yes, 10. Fine, so I'm a sleepwhore...

Sue me.


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