Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Age of Reason

In Hindu culture, there are supposed to be 4 stages in a man's life.

These are : (whatever), brahmachari, grihasti, sanyasi.

Loosely translated, based on effective meaning, these are :
'What is frustration?', 'build up frustration', 'expend some frustration, learn new types of frustration', and 'no frustration'.
'Too young to know', 'too smart for own good', 'too dumb to think (look what you did!)', and 'too old to care'.

There can now be absolutely no doubt on the superior knowledge and awareness of Indian civilisation. The 'elders of a gentle race', in all their wisdom, placed sanyasi AFTER grihasti.

And found Peace.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti hi.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

La Connection Francaise

I guess at some point salient occurences in life must be recorded.

I now have a flatmate.
He's French. He will be called J, in case there are any future references to him.
He's been in India/Hyd for 3 weeks.
He moved in 4 days ago.
I was elsewhere over the weekend. For the first time ever, someone was in my flat while I was not there. It was a scary thought.
I returned to find the computer, cds and guitar intact and not sold off. Yet.
I was thankful and glad, and realised I need this kind of conditioning to sharing personal space. People can be trusted, sometimes.
Yes, paranoia is our friend, but it needs a break too, sometimes.
He's a nice guy. He smokes and drinks and smokes up.
I returned to find the flat cleaned, albeit partially. Using my incredible deduction skills, I hit upon an explanation for this unnatural occurence. Turned out I was right.
His girlfriend is expected in 2-3 weeks.
He has offered to help me practise my French. Classes begin today.
All the girls I've told are dying to meet him. Yes, you are dahling...admit it.
It's probably a good thing that this is likely to be short term. Better to gently dip your toes in the murky waters of flatsharing first, before diving in headlong.

In other news, it looks like I will be travelling a bit in the next month. Am looking at Pondicherry over Dassera and maybe up North over Diwali-Ramzan. Am also getting kener and keener on doing some bike trips.

Damn that bloody Bajaj Avenger advertisement.


Monday, September 19, 2005

NS and Inez sitting on a beach
d. r. i. n. k. in. g.
t. a. l. k. i. n. g.
l. a. u. g. h. in. g.
c. l. i. c. k. in. g. (pun!)

Thanks for a lovely weekend. :-)


Friday, September 16, 2005

...and as far as I am concerned, the world can go fuck itself today.

That is all.


Monday, September 12, 2005

real confidence Vs the illusion of control.


Friday, September 02, 2005


Ok, God-type-entity, let's you and I make a deal.

It's time for shit to start going right in my life again. So let's make it happen, shall we?

In return, you can have my guitar, my cd/movie collection, and my poems. If you do good, we can discuss riding my bike occasionally.

This is in response to the deal we spent about 9 months making, before I agreed to come out here. OK, by and large you've held up your part of the bargain. And I have held up mine. I've lived a good life, never told people the truth about you, haven't killed anyone...anyone who didn't deserve it, that is. I've played nice, spread my share of happiness, absorbed my share of sadness, etc.

I considered suing you for breach of contract, but your transgressions have been relatively minor so far and I don't really want to get into legal wrangles - you know what the judicial system out here is like.

I would like to thank you for my mum - you outdid yourself there.

Now, I understand all that about life in sine waves, and 'this too shall pass' blah. We've been through all that, and I remember the explanations. I don't disagree or anything, just that I think it's time 'this' bloody well moved along now. 'Pass' already.

We also discussed rejuvenation, if you remember. I think I'll take my next vial now, please.

So, the original deal still stands. You may think of this as...a gentle reminder, if you please. :-) There. I put a smiley face even. It's all the rage down here.

So remember, if you do GOOD, there's a bike ride waiting!

If you do BAD, you will get 'invited' to dinner and I'll be cooking.
