Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's time I re-learned the art of writing. Or learned, as the case may be.

How about a piece of prose which doesn't have sentences ending with multiple punctuation marks? Which expresses what I want to say without needing 'emoticons'. Which contains, for the most part at least, words which can be found in the OED.
Something I wouldn't cringe at some time in the future.

I seem to have forgotten how to write like that. It took a minor blast from the past, a rediscovery of an old blog, to remind me that things were different once.


Friday, October 26, 2007

My mum just had lunch with Thomas Friedman, OBE, multiple Pulitzer Prize winner.

This, following on from her sister, my aunt, who (a few years ago) had dinner with John Nash, Nobel Laureate, owner of A Beautiful Mind.

How the heck do I compete with that?
I guess I'm just going to have to have tea and crumpets with the Queen, or breakfast with Bono, or something.


Main sochroon tha...

I'm sure several wiser heads have asked and answered this question earlier,
but main sochroon tha...

Is it possible to shut down the internet?

We are now seeing the first generation of kids/teenagers who can't remember life before the internet, cell phones, mp3s, mp3 players, computer games and reality TV. That's a separate rant, of course.

But thinking about it, if the internet were to be shut down, how would it happen?

A virus? It would have to be a real badmother, but recovery is likely to be quick. Motive - Malice, maybe?
The US? They could do it in the US and all the other little little countries they trample upon, but Asia is likely to give them the finger on this one. Motive - Security threat? Weapon of Mass (information) Dissemination?
Vigilante groups? Taking down tall servers in a single bound? Possibly headed by the kinds of morons who insist on annual re-enactments of wars fought in the Dark Ages. What's the bloody purpose, you idiots? But maybe it's understandable - they just like the idea of living in simpler times, really. Serious threat to the internet, this lot.

Nuclear holocaust?
Ah yes.

Because we humans are just that smart.



Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Loff it up

Things that made me laugh today :

The Condom Song on Youtube.
An educational video in Telugu, with subtitles. Hilarious. Guys in coloured condom cardboard cutouts (how's that for some alliteration eh?) singing and dancing. There was a point where the background music was going ting ting ting, and these guys were dancing in some fields. Of course, I broke down at this point.
This is six and a half minutes long video, and incredibly, commendably, even tackles homosexuality in a matter-of-fact, non-preachy manner.
Intended for viewing by villaze and small town junta, and a pretty decent effort from that perspective.
Not really a laughing matter this, considering Andhra Pradesh has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS in the country.

Clips from the movie 'Gunda' on Youtube.
Holy Mother of God.
Dialogues rivalled in hilarity only by Telugu cinema song/dance choreography from the early 80s.
Really cracked me up.

A chat with Australopithecus. Overlapped with the above. Deadly combination.

A blog titled 'now is the winter of our discotheque'.

A joke Aus posted on some other blog. About a duck thief. :-)
