Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Life is just drifting...


I hate it when that happens.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

They say a Hero will save us...

And the wake-up-see-dream-in-headlines/frontpage-of-newspaper saga continues.
Freaky dream, woke up, thought about it, reached a conclusion, followed a train of thought, came downstairs, front page, bold headlines.
And today was scary...
Do you think I need help?
Or, ohmygosh, am I the help?? :-O

With great power comes great responsibility...
*takes heroic stance, looks at setting sun, wind gently blowing in hair, etc..*

NS is 10 years old...

And what do you want to be when you grow up, son?
I want to be a Pre-Cog
Shocked looks, sharp intaking of breath, people fainting...
They didn't know...they don't understand!
He runs away...running...running...


Maybe I should stop reading them damn Dan Browns and Michael Crichtons for a while...

In other news, Sehwag demonstrates further brilliance. While addressing a function for a social work organisation, he said:
"Women constitute nearly half the population of the country..."

Err, ok. If you say so, chief.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Was having a YM chat conversation with FA, when a "whoa!" thought struck me.

Imagine 2 people with MPD doing it.

Some people might even say that's a
thought, but not me. No. I'm more mature than that. Am too! AM TOO!
In other news, there have been some amazing headlines in the papers and elsewhere recently. I thought I should jot some of them down for posterity.

"Bad water may be the cause of jaundice, say officials..."
"Police advise against lying in the road..."
"Obesity: bad for men, women and kids..."

Uhh, really? You think??

Amazing. Simply amazing.


Sunday, April 17, 2005

On Sunday afternoon, I watched 'Remember The Titans'.

It made me...ummm...emotional.

Dammit. Stupid sporting victory movies...

Spent a very interesting evening yesterday. At last, the talking happens. :-)
Then met the actor friend AG, from NC. Was nice, catching up after so long. How much people change. Found myself almost immediately sizing him up as potential flatmate. Tch tch tch.
I slept at 4.30 am this morning. I don't remember the last time the reason for that happening was a book. ;-)
Spent a good 15 minutes in the morning with the struggle to decide - to come or not to come. To the office, of course. Have very reluctantly dragged my ass in. 50 bucks says I'm asleep by 12, if the creaking machinery in the head is anything to go by.

By the end of this week, I should know where my life is headed...hurrah for life-altering decisions that are not in one's hands!


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Strange daze.

Today is going to be wunnadem days...I can feel it.

I woke up, same as every day. Almost. The first thought that entered my head on opening my eyes to the wonderful morning was Laila Rouass. I went hmmmm, that's an interesting thought to wake up to. Then, I smiled. I was, of course, thinking of the last 3 letters of her last name, and thinking how appropriate. Because I was, of course, seeing it. I put my elbow on the pillow, propped my head on my palm, and spent 5 minutes smiling. Those were 5 wonderful minutes.

Now, this is not so freaky in itself. What did me in was the newspaper. Who do you think was on the first page of the entertainment section? What do you think she was wearing? How do you think she was looking? What do you think she was talking about? (the answer to the last one is 'mostly sex'). I make like Joey in the episode where he walks into the hospital room where Rachel has just had a baby, and she is breastfeeding, and Joey looks upwards and says "Are you kidding me??!".

Seriously, what are the chances?? I wake up thinking of such a random name, she hasn't been on the scene recently or anything, I havent seen pictures of her, or her movies. Nothing. And for the newspaper to have an interview/article with her on the SAME day...I can't help but smile. Not least of all because this isn't the first time this has happened to me.

Then, I come in to office and open a website. While the page loads, I get into a discussion with my neighbour, and I tell him how he should go see the Sound and Light Show at Golconda. It has Amitabh Bachchan's voice. He says really? Amitabh? I say yeah...the whole thing's a very nice experience. I turn back to my computer, the website has opened, and the first news item I see has Amitabh's name on it.

Right about now is when I would have gone 'Holy Crapola...I'm a freak! Cooool...' But not anymore. Na uh. It's all a bit 'been there, seen that' now. I take it all with the panache of a well-rubbed crystal ball. I just think of ol' Jimbo and sing in my head...

Strange days....
Strange days have found us,
Strange days have tracked us down...


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Postcard to Heaven

Dear Powers-that-be,

I don't ask much.
Please please please please please please make me a guitar God...!
That is all.
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

warm regards,


I've already been hit by Satch fever, and looks like I'm going to be sick for the next month and a half. And I can't get Flying in a Blue Dream out of my head. After that, it's going to be Always With Me, Always With You, and then Love Thing. And then a few more.
I'm screwed.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Ya gotta have...

I'm not much of a religious person. After a long time, I went to a temple recently. As I folded my palms together and bowed my head, I realised, sadly, how strange the sensation felt.

The purpose of Faith is to bring you peace.

I think there is no point in practising faith for any other reason. It's insulting.
Faith is above and beyond religion. It helps to understand that. Faith does not demand a God, but it does require belief.
Faith is about finding peace in transferring worries, hopes and prayers onto something or someone else, but understanding that you still have to do everything you can in the matter. Maybe this is why '"God" helps those who help themselves'.
Faith, like sorrow, is always personal.
Maybe using faith to find peace, which would lead to happiness and contentment is not a bad idea at all.



Friday, April 01, 2005

Just Older.

Hey, man, it's been a while
Do you remember me?
When I hit the streets I was 17
A little wild, a little green
I've been up and down and in between
After all these years and miles of memories
I'm still chasing dreams
But I ain't looking over my shoulder

There is a photograph of me on The Rock, holding up a paper saying " 20 today, 18 forever". Yeah, slightly cheesy, but you do what you can to maintain a record of your life. Now the Rock’s off limits, everybody’s older, life’s changed...but looking at that picture reminds of the glory days. How do we let it come to the point where we stop chasing dreams? At 17, I was nothing if not a little wild, and a little green in the ways of life and love. I wouldn’t trade those days for the world, but I ain’t looking over my shoulder too much now...

I like the bed I'm sleeping in
Just like me, it's broken in
It's not old -- just older
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
It's not old -- just older

Yeah, I’m not old...Just Older.

It's good to see your face
You ain't no worse for wear
Breathing that California air
When we took on the world
When we were young and brave
We got secrets that we'll take to the grave
Standing here shoulder to shoulder

Remember how it was to meet an old friend after many years? Some things change, some things don’t. Even if you don’t say it out loud, you take to reminiscing about those days. Maybe you go to the old Irani café where you used to sit for hours over cheap chai and cigarettes. Maybe you go to the pub, down a few, do some nostalgic laughing and back-slapping. Or maybe you change so much that you just don’t have much in common anymore, except a youth. And memories of it. All the dramatic promises, standing by each other through thick and thin – scraps, parents, general angst, failed love. There is an inherent brashness about youth, as it should be. However apart you have grown, it’s still good to see the faces of those who knew you when you were young and brave.

I'm not old enough to sing the blues
But I wore the holes in the soles of these shoes
You can roll the dice 'til they call your bluff
But you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Pop philosophy. What ever would we have done without it? From Pink Floyd’s ‘Coming Back To Life”, or Meatloaf’s “Objects in the Rear View Mirror”, to Guns ‘N’ Roses and Metallica (pick a song, any song). From macho beer-fuelled headbanging to metal, to giving the laughing friends the finger when they start sniggering at you cootchie-cooing with the girlfriend with some Bryan Adams tinkling in the background... Maybe you like someone for ages but didn’t have the guts to tell him or her. One fine day, it all comes to a head, your bluff is called and you come clean. You either win or lose, but at least now, you are not afraid...

Well, I look in the mirror, I don't hate what I see
There's a few more lines staring back at me
Now the night has grown a little bit colder
Hey man, I gotta run, Now you take care
If you see coach T. Tell him I´ve cut my hair
I´ve kept my fear
Still believe I´m just- Ha!

When you look in the mirror, do you ever really look beyond whether the hair looks ok, is the pimple any better, did I miss a spot shaving? Do you look at the eyes? Are they weary, are they happy, have they seen too much…or too little? Are the red veins taking over the white, as experience takes over the innocence and the wide, bright-eyed wonder? Do we look at the new lines on the forehead or the cheeks, the crinkling near the sides of the eyes. Maybe we should spend some time looking at what we’ve become, what people remember us as, and what they might see if you met them now. Maybe it’s when you don’t hate what you see that they too will smile at what they see.

I like the bed I'm sleeping in
Just like me, it's broken in
It's not old -- just older
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
It' s not old -- just older

Yeah, I’m not old...

Just Older.
