Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I opened the door,
and saw the dead buds on the floor.
Not put out, but left to burn out. Ashes all around. There were buds not yet fully burnt out too. But burning out slowly. I saw half burnt ones, which had just stopped burning. Couldn’t breathe, maybe.
I smiled and threw my cigarette to join the others on the floor. And watched it burn. Poisoning the air around, poisoning itself.
Someone threw a just lit cigarette. A new one entered the world, to burn out like the others.

I walked past a graveyard, and saw the same thing.

Welcome to the Dark Side, he said. Everyone’s here, most just don’t know it yet.

Feast tonight, my friends.
For tomorrow, we die.

happy happy joy joy time over.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tension nahi lene ka...

Sensei se poochne ka...

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Is maith liom bananai
Is maith liom bananai - 'I like bananas.'
You're laid-back and you enjoy the simple things in life. Some might say you're a little too laid-back. Just what is it you're smoking, anyway?
So I took the damn quiz, finally. But only because it was being thrust in my face.

Also, I've been to Gaelic parts of the world. I tell ya, it don't help when road signs, directions AND town names are all written in Gaelic... ya can't make out which is which.

"(road sign in Gaelic)". [translation : Steep cliff ahead!]
Me, driving past: Hmm...interesting lookin' town name. Should be fun...

Of course, the sign didn't really mean steep cliffs. But it could have!
Anyway, we just lost our way a lil bit and drove around pretty countryside.

Of course, the bananas and what we wuz smoking added to all the fun and games. Laid-back describes it pretty well, I think.
Laid and back.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My funny friend and I

I have a colleague/friend who's from Haryana. He's a really nice guy, heart of gold, quite intelligent, very good in his subject of analytical chemistry. When we first met two years ago, we were totally at loggerheads. But now, it's quite nice. We've spent a lot of time together since I moved. He brought me food and stuff when I was sick...an all round nice guy.

Just now at dinner, he was telling me about his previous job, in a company in Himachal Pradesh, and about his night shifts there.
"In the winter chilly, when the wind was breezing..."

He didn't get much further. Or maybe he did. Because I wasn't listening. Because in my head, I was dying with laughter. The effort of controlling the explosive guffaw blurred my vision.
But of course, I don't correct him or laugh at him or anything. Because I like the guy and he's a genuine sort of fellow.

I asked him once, have you watched so-and-so movie?
"Nahi yaar, not fully. I've seen only tits and bits..."

There are other such gems too. Hmmm...lemme think...


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This and That

I have finally got my hands on what I have been trying to procure for 3 years...


However, interestingly, it seems so different now. Maybe it was the time, the place, what I was smoking...
Still, it has some lovely memories associated with it. So that's worth it.

AND, I got 2 of the Qatsi trilogy with it. And Chronos. And the Nagoyqatsi audio CD... so yay.
Thanks, Ph. :-)

There is something really, really yuck about seeing cockroach maggots squirm around. And they raise a godawful stink. Made me physically sick for a whole day. Ugh.

I wrote a nice song. Now, to put it to music.
Why are the best songs about emotional hurt and pain? There must be something to that.
Suddenly, I remember Rod Stewart's "When we were the new boys". And listening to it for the first time, off a tape a friend bought.
Ahh, tapes.

So, "Friendship Day", huh.

I have a rant to do about e-books.
But maybe some other time.

It's quite disappointing when you learn you really can't know everything.

One day, science will develop a way for us to erase parts of our memory.
Seriously, there's just so much crap I just don't want to know anymore!
Maybe we can have removable hard disks, with whatever memories we think we might need, just not right now. Of course, this would mean I would have something like the Encyclopedia Britannica : "Crap, I - XXXVI".
We can have slots in our heads, cables, viruses... the whole shebang. We can make so many people's nightmares come true! Wouldn't that be wonderful?


On that happy note...
